Saturday, November 3, 2007

Breathing Techniques

Yogic breathing and energy control methods are some of the most beneficial techniques for women health and pregnancy.

During pregnancy, good breathing and control of Prana (energy) are absolutely vital, because just like the nutrients you provide your baby from your food, you are also responsible for providing him/her with high quality oxygen and prana from the air you breathe.

A strong breathing mother will have better fitness for her pregnancy and provide a better life force for her child.

In preparation for childbirth, mastery of a few simple Pranayamas can help birthing energy to flow smoothly. These phenomenal techniques help to release emotional tension during labor and the likelihood of post-natal depression is dramatically reduced.

In fact so powerful are Pranayamas that they are used in the therapeutic management of common female disorders such as:

Pre-Menstrual Tension

Period Pain and Period Irregularity

Pelvic Floor Weakness
Uterine Prolepse
Bad Back
All Kinds of Mental and Emotional Tensions

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