Monday, December 31, 2007


The bone structure must remain elastic if one is to become taller. One must take exercise regularly. I suggest the following exercises will help one gain height:

(i) Stand in an open space in “attention” position. In hale deeply through the nose and extend yours arms lifting then slowly up to your shoulders. Keep your arms straight. Hold that position for some time and then take the arms backwards as far as they will go. No inhale again the release your breath slowly, resuming the former position.
(ii) Stand with your arms straight at right angles to your body. Lift the arms vertically and then bring them to the level of the shoulders. Do not exhale in the process, but stand on your toes, lifting your heels as far as they will go. Exhale slowly after some moments and resume the earlier position.
(iii) Extend your arms forward up to the level of the shoulders. Inhale and fill your lungs to about one-third of their capacity. Wait for a few moments and then take your arms above your head. Now move them in a circular motion-taking them behind your back and in the former position again. Exhale slowly.

How can one increase weight?
Take to a diet for three to four days. Take 100 to 150 grams of bran with the fruits. The best way will be to mix bran with a fruit like papaya. It will increase appetite, improve the digestion and remove costiveness, if any. One will tend to eat more and the capacity to assimilate food will be increased.

Foods like flour, rice honey, raisins, figs, dates, butter, and etc. can help increase weight. Sweat substances can increase weight than fatty foods. Those wishing to increase their weight should become pure vegetarians and eat fruits, rice, flour, fresh vegetables, bananas, dry fruits, butter, and milk. Germinated wheat is also extremely beneficial if taken in the form of gruel mixed with hot milk.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Kitchen Remedies for BETTER HAIR

The best conditioner your hair can need is right there, among your foodstuffs. All you need to do is mix equal portions of honey and olive oil, and massage into your scalp. Remember, this is not an after shampoo conditioner, so no rubbing into strands of hair. Instead, this is the conditioner which is nutritious for the roots of your hair. So rub it into the hair base. Then wrap your head with a warm towel for about thirty minutes. Use your mildest shampoo now and you will notice that your hair doesn’t come away squeaky clean as if someone has taken away life from it, instead it sits heavy and luxuriant on your head. That’s nutrition, not cosmetics!!!
If your hair is dry and flaky, rub in four or five teaspoons of mayonnaise into your scalp and leave it on for half an hour before shampooing. Remember, mayo contains oil, egg and mustard powder, just the right recipe for imparting wholesome moisture to dead looking hair. As an after shampoo, rinse with about half a teaspoon of honey in about a liter (4 mugs) of water. Don’t wash away this last rinse, and it acts as an excellent conditioner for dry, dull hair
To get a shine to dull hair, one can also use honey and lemon juice in your last rinse after shampooing hair, and do not wash it out. Instead, dry your hair well and brush vigorously. The sheen that is seen is all natural glow of one of the most wonderful natural foods, honey. Lemon is also a natural conditioner and imparts a natural shine to hair, whatever type it may be. It I extensively used as an additive to conditioners and always used as a part of herbal remedies for dull hair. It also acts as an antiseptic and astringent, cleaning up the scalp of dandruff debris and leaving it clean and free of infections. A rinse made with tea and lemon juice also serves to clean up the greasiness of oily hair without interfering in its ph balance or drying it up excessively (which is what most shampoos do).

There are more secrets in your kitchen cabinet to help with oily greasy hair. Soak any lentil in a glass of water for half an hour (you can eat the lentils, excellent source of protein). Meanwhile, boil the rind of an orange and add the water wit the lentil water. (The boiled rind may be used as a flouring for cakes or cookies). The mixture of these two waters forms a priceless rinse for oily hair.
Did you know that there is a natural method for straightening hair too? Of course, it may not be instant, but then it is infinitely healthier than straightening chemicals and irons that do irreparable damage to hair. Get a fresh coconut and blend it well, till about a glassful of milk can be extracted from the pulp. Add the juice of one lime to this milk, stir well into the glass and refrigerate till it acquires a creamy layer on the top. This cream can be rubbed onto the scalp, and left on, covered with a hot towel, for about an hour. Then rinse it off with a mild shampoo and warm water. Repeat this three times a week and you will notice that your unruly locks are gradually straightening up.
In Asian countries, especially in the coastal regions, graying is not the greatest of threats. Perhaps their diet takes care of their hair so well, or maybe they know the secret to dark hair till old age. Whatever it may seem, there is one secret that we can share with natives of South India, a land known for doe eyed and raven haired women since times immemorial. The most basic hair tonic to ensure that your mane doesn’t grey can be made by burning curry leaves and then boiling this powder with coconut oil. Use this oil as your preferred hair tonic once a week and the result is absolute stoppage of graying and hair fall. Alternately, a handful of curry leaves can be pounded into pulp, and then boiled with coconut milk, till it yields oil. This oil is priceless nourishment for the scalp and ensures longevity and luster and color for hair. Of course, in kitchen cabinets of the Western homes, coconut and curry leaves may not be a common storage item, but they can be easily had from any Asian store.
There are a number of other remedies for darkening hair, and also for stopping grey. Gooseberries are one of the most favored fruits for hair maintenance in the East, especially Indian homes. Its extract is great for cleansing and condition hair while roasted, it has the capacity to darken hair. Try mixing ground, dried gooseberries with lemon juice and applying on graying hair. Gradually, graying will stop and the hair will be much healthier than before. Black peppercorns are another remedy for darkening hair and preventing premature graying. Powdered and mixed with curd, black peppers make a great hair color. Wash hair at least once a week with this mixture, and see how the graying stops and the hair become softer and more manageable. Though it may not always be possible to have other color for hair by way of your kitchen cabinet, there are ideas available to enrich the tone of your natural hair color and even fix colors. For instance, hot hibiscus tea (a rich shade of deep red), enriches red tints in your hair while black tea rinses are supposed to bring out the golden highlights in hair. Onion or lemon juice works wonders to brighten the shades of natural henna while an apple cider rinse will help fix the color on grey hair. Another widespread problem with hair is dandruff. Ayurveda has a very simple remedy for dandruff. Certain easily available oils help eliminate this condition, since it is essentially brought about by drying of the scalp surface. Mix one part of lemon juice with two parts of coconut oil and use it for a regular oil massage. The results will show in a couple of weeks. Alternately try mixing up one teaspoon of camphor with equal portions of mustard and coconut oil. The resultant mix is a bit strong smelling but does its job quite effectively.
These are some specific conditions of hair. But Ayurveda also has some generic recommendations that will prevent some or all of these problems to begin with. Of course, we can try to follow a good hair care regime to make sure these problems never cross our path, to begin with. • Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 tea spoon everyday. • Use natural shampoo, studiously avoiding so –called medicated shampoos that may just aggravate your problem, or create one where there is none. • Use amla (embilica officinalis) (dried gooseberry powder), Shikakai (Acacia concinna) (soapnuts powder) for washing the hair. • Use medicated oils like 'Arnica oil'. Put oil on the scalp and massage gently in the roots of the hair. • Maintain a regular bowel movement. • The diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soybean and vitamin A. • A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is good to drink to induce hair growth. It provides all the vitamins you need for a great skin and a healthy scalp. Another good idea is the juice of alfalfa mixed with that of carrot and lettuce. • Daily application of coconut oil mixed with lime- juice on the hair is also beneficial. Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also good. Above all, regular exercise, a strict food diet system and of course, positive thinking helps your mane to glow.

Home Remedies for ACNE SCARS

Acne Scars

A general information all about the acne scars, effects of acne scars and its proper medication. Macules and Scars:
Before I jump into the topic of scars, I need to clarify the difference between Macules and Scars. Macules may look like scars, but they are not scars in the sense that a permanent change has occurred. Macules are essentially the final stage of most inflamed acne lesions. They are normally flat, reddish spots that can remain for up to 8 months. But the difference between a Macule and a scar is that a Macule will end up disappearing completely whereas a scar will remain for years or indefinitely.
As for scars, this can also vary from person to person. With some individuals, scars may remain for a lifetime without change but with others, their skin will undergo a form of remodeling that will eventually diminish the scar.
Another factor that needs to be evaluated is the human element of scarring. People simply have different feelings about acne scars. Those who are distressed about their acne scars are much more likely to actively seek out treatment to moderate or remove the scar than those who are more indifferent about the scars.
Cause of Scars:
Let us first gain a better understanding of acne scars by first determining the cause of scars. A scar is a mark left in the skin by the healing of a wound or surgical incision in which the normal functional tissue (skin) is replaced by connective tissue (scar). In the case of acne, the lesion is caused by the body's inflammatory response to sebum, bacteria and dead cells that are trapped in the plugged sebaceous follicle.
When your skin tissue has suffered a lesion of some sorts, your body will attempt to heal the injured site. It does so by increasing the white blood cells in the area along with an array of inflammatory molecules whose function is to repair the damaged tissue and fight infection. In the end, the repair job can be messy, and the site of the lesion is now filled with fibrous scar tissue or eroded tissue. As for the inflammatory molecules and white blood cells, they can remain at the acne lesion for days and even weeks. Take note of the fact that not everyone functions in the same way, and this holds true with our skin as well. Some people are simply more prone to scarring than others.
Treatment for scars:
Bear in mind that treating acne and treating acne scars are two completely different things. Treating your acne has nothing to do with treating an acne scar. Acne scars can indeed be treated, but it is important that an acne sufferer bring their acne condition under control first if they still suffer from moderate to severe acne. Once your acne subsides, make an appointment with a dermatologist and discuss the methods (if applicable) of scar treatment(s) he/she recommend you undergo to treat your scars. Keep in mind that there are many methods with which you may treat your scars. These methods vary according to your scar type, size and location, type of skin, and of course, money $$$. All this should be discussed in great detail with your dermatologist. Before undergoing scar treatment, ask yourself the following questions before having your dermatologist undergo the decided procedure(s) .: Are you willing to wait and see if the scars will subside on their own with time? Do your acne scars affect you emotionally and socially? Is your scarring substantial enough to warrant scar treatment? Can you afford the treatment or what treatment options can you afford? Keep in mind, the objective of scar treatment is not to necessarily rid you of all indications of scars by completely restoring your skin. It very much depends on the severity of your scars, your skin type, your skins ability to regenerate, etc. Significant improvements can definitely be achieved, but complete restoration is often impossible. About the Author: Kerwin Chang writes for http://www.acnestuf where you can find out more about acne and other skin care topics.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Home Remedies for CONJUNCTIVITIS

Conjunctivitis Symptoms

Eyeball and underside of the eyelids become inflammed

The eyeball and underside of the eyelids become inflammed. At first, the eyes are red and itchy. Later, there may be a watery secretion.

Pus formation

In more serious cases, there is pus formation, which dries up during sleep, making the lashes stick together.

Causes of Conjunctivitis

Bacterial or virus infection or eyestrain

Catarrhal condition of the system from general toxaemia

Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis treatment using Vegetable Juices

Conjunctivitis treatment using Indian Gooseberry

Conjunctivitis treatment using Vitamins

Conjunctivitis treatment using Coriander

Conjunctivitis diet

Take fresh fruit diet, avoid bananas

All-fruit diet followed by a restricted diet of chapatis, nuts etc

Avoid starchy and sugary foods, refined cereals, strong tea ans coffee

Other Conjunctivitis treatments

Warm-water enema

Cold water fomentation of the eyes

Relaxing, strengthening of eyes by doing eye exercises


Home Remedies for ALCOHOLISM

Alcoholism is a chronic disorder in which a person is unable to refrain from frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Signs of Alcoholism (alcoholism symptoms)

Bloodshot eyes, rapid pulse

Alcoholics have a puffy face with bloodshot eyes, hoarse voice and a rapid pulse. They are suspicious, irritable and over-emotional.

Vomiting, delirium

Vomiting, delirium, impaired judgment, and disturbed sleep are some of the other symptoms that alcoholics suffer from. Excessive drinking damages the liver and gradually leads to cirrhosis. It also leads to disorders of the stomach and bowels. It can cause damage to the brain cells, and also affects the heart, which becomes weak and flabby.

Causes of Alcoholism

Occasional drink

Alcoholism starts with the individual taking an occasional drink. This gradually becomes a habit and leads to a state where the person cannot do without alcohol. Some people drink alcohol to enliven social gatherings under social pressure; for others, it is an escape from the responsibilities or stresses of life.

Alcoholism Treatment

Alcoholism treatment using Grapes

The most important home remedy for alcoholism is an exclusive diet, for a month or so, of grapes. Since this fruit contains the purest form of alcohol, it is an ideal yet healthy substitute for alcohol. Alcoholics should take three meals a day of fresh grapes at five-hourly intervals. The success of this treatment depends on the determination of the alcoholic to stop drinking.

Alcoholism treatment using Apples

Apples are another effective remedy for alcoholism.A generous intake of apples helps remove intoxication and reduces the craving for wines and other intoxicating liquors.

Alcoholism treatment using Dates

Dates are considered beneficial in the treatment of alcoholism. The patient should drink half a glass of water in which four or five dates have been rubbed together. This remedy should be taken twice daily for a month. It will bring definite relief.

Alcoholism treatment using Bitter Gourd

The juice of the leaves of bitter gourd is an antidote for alcohol intoxication. It is also useful for a liver damaged due to alcoholism. Three teaspoons of this juice, mixed with a glass of butter milk, should be taken every morning for a month.

Alcoholism treatment using Celery

The juice of raw celery has also been found useful in alcoholism. It exercises a sobering effect on the patient and is an antidote to alcohol. Half a glass of celery juice mixed with an equal quantity of water should be taken once daily for a month.

Diet for alcoholism recovery

Build up body's nutritional integrity, juice fast

The most effective way to treat alcoholism is to build up the body's nutritional integrity so as to prevent craving for stimulants like drinks. The patient should be put on a cleansing juice fast for at least ten days in the beginning. During the juice fast, the patient will gradually feel less craving for alcohol. This is a good beginning towards breaking the drinking habit.The patient should eat several small meals a day in preference to two or three large ones. Plenty of rest and outdoor physical exercises are also necessary.

Optimum diet and fresh fruit juice

After the initial fast of juices, the patient should take an optimum diet of vital nutrients consisting of wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds and sprouts, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It is advisable that at the beginning of the treatment, the patient is given a suitable substitute to relieve the craving if and when it occurs. The best substitute drink for alcohol is a glass of fresh fruit juice. The patient should drink juices and eat candy or other snacks if he feels a craving for a stimulant.

Avoid refined foods

All refined foods such as sugar, white rice, macaroni products, strong condiments, white flour, and meat should be avoided.

Other Suggestions and herbal treatments for alcoholism

Firm willingness of alcoholic to stop drinking

The most important step towards breaking the 'alcohol habit' is the willingness of an alcoholic to do so. He must make a firm resolve to make a clean break at once, as giving up in stages is next to impossible.

Warm-water enema and physical exercises

During the first ten days of the 'juice fast', a warm-water enema should be taken everyday to cleanse the bowels. Plenty of rest and outdoor physical exercises are also necessary.

Avoid smoking

Smoking must be avoided as it increases the desire for alcohol.

Home Remedies for CONSTIPATION

Constipation is a common disturbance of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowels do not move regularly, or are not completely emptied when they move. This condition is the chief cause of many diseases as it produces toxins which find their way into the bloodstream and are carried to all parts of the body. Appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract., and cancer are only a few of the diseases in which chronic constipation is an important predisposing factor.

Constipation Symptoms

Infrequency, irregularity in elimination of hard faecal matter

The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequency, irregularity or difficulty in elimination of the hard faecal matter.

Coated tongue, Foul breath, headache, depression , insomnia etc

The other symptoms include a coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, dark circles under the eyes, depression, nausea, pimples on the face, ulcer in the mouth, constant fullness in the abdomen, diarrhoea alternating with constipation, varicose veins, pain in the lumbar region, acidity, heart burn, and insomnia.

Causes of Constipation

Faulty diet and style of living

The most important causes of chronic constipation are a faulty diet and style of living.

Insufficient intake of water, strong tea and coffee etc

Intake of refined and rich foods lacking in vitamins and minerals, insufficient intake of water, consumption of meat in large quantities, excessive use of strong tea and coffee, insufficient chewing, overeating and wrong combination of foods, irregular habits of eating and drinking may all contribute to poor bowel function.

Irregular habit of defecation, lack of physical activity

Other causes include faulty and irregular habit of defecation, frequent use of purgatives, weakness of abdominal muscles due to sedentary habits, lack of physical activity, and emotional stress and strain.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation treatment using Bael Fruit

Generally all fruits, except banana and jack fruit, are beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Certain fruits are, however, more effective. Bael fruit is regarded as the best of all laxatives. It cleans and tones up the intestines. Its regular use for two or three months throws out even the old accumulated faecal matter. It should be preferably taken in its original form and before dinner. About sixty grams of the fruit are sufficient for an adult.

Constipation treatment using Pear

Pears are beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Patients suffering from chronic constipation should adopt an exclusive diet of this fruit or it's juice for a few days, but in ordinary cases, a medium-sized pear taken after dinner or with breakfast will have the desired effect.

Constipation treatment using Guava

Guava is another effective remedy for constipation. When eaten with seeds, it provides roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels. One or two guavas should be taken everyday.

Constipation treatment using Grapes

Grapes have proved very beneficial in overcoming constipation. The combination of the properties of the cellulose, sugar, and organic acid in grapes make them a laxative food. Their field of action is not limited to clearing the bowels only. They also tone up the stomach and intestines and relieve the most chronic constipation. One should take at least 350 gm of this fruit daily to achieve the desired results. When fresh grapes are not available, raisins, soaked in water, can be used. Raisins should be soaked for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. This will make them swell to the original size of the grapes. They should be eaten early in the morning, along with the water in which they have been soaked.

Constipation treatment using Orange

Orange is also beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Taking one or two oranges at bedtime and again on rising in the morning is an excellent way of stimulating the bowels. The general stimulating influence of orange juice excites peristaltic activity and helps prevent the accumulation of food residue in the colon.

Constipation treatment using Papaya and Figs

Other fruits specific for constipation are papaya and figs. Half a medium-sized papaya should be eaten at breakfast for it to act as a laxative. Both fresh and dry figs have a laxative effect. Four or five dry figs should be soaked overnight in a little water and eaten in the morning.

Constipation treatment using Spinach

Among the vegetables, spinach has been considered to be the most vital food for the entire digestive tract from time immemorial. Raw spinach contains the finest organic material for the cleansing, reconstruction, and regeneration of the intestinal tract. Raw spinach juice-100 ml, mixed with an equal quantity of water and taken twice daily, will cure the most aggravated cases of constipation within a few days.

Constipation treatment using Other Remedies

Half a lime, squeezed is a glass of hot water, with half a teaspoon of salt is also an effective remedy for constipation. Drinking water which has been kept overnight in a copper vessel, first thing in the morning, brings good results. Linseed (alse) is extremely useful in difficult cases of constipation. A teaspoon of linseed swallowed with water before each meal provides both roughage and lubrication.

Constipation diet

Natural and simple diet consisting of unrefined foods

The most important factor in curing constipation is a natural and simple diet. This should consist of unrefined foods such as wholegrain cereals, bran, honey, lentils, green and leafy vegetables, fresh and dry fruits, and milk products in the form of butter, ghee, and cream. The diet alone is not enough.

Chew food properly, Avoid hurried meals and irregular meals

Food should be properly chewed. Hurried meals and meals at odd times should be avoided. Sugar and sugary foods should be strictly avoided. Foods which constipate are all products made of white flour, rice, bread, pulses, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, fleshy foods, preserves, white sugar, and hard-boiled eggs.

Other Constipation treatments

Fresh air, outdoor games and exercise

Toning up the muscles also helps in the treatment of constipation. Fresh air, outdoor games, walking, swimming, and exercise play an important role in strengthening the muscles, and thereby preventing constipation.

Home Remedies for Loss of Hair.

Although hair is not essential to life, it is of sufficient cosmetic concern to provoke anxiety in anyone when it starts thinning,
falling, or disappearing. To a woman, the sight of a comb or brush covered with lost hair can cause intense mental strain.

Hair is formed in minute pockets in the skin called follicles. An up growth at the base of the follicle, called the papilla,
actually produces hair when a special group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a type of protein of which hair is
made. The rate of production of these protein 'building blocks' determines hair growth. The average growth rate is about 1.2
cm per month, growing fastest on women between fifteen to thirty years of age.

The most important cause of loss of hair is inadequate nutrition. Even a partial lack of almost any nutrient may cause
hair to fall. Persons lacking in vitamin B6 lose their hair and those deficient in folic acid often become completely bald.
But the hair grows normally after the liberal intake of these vitamins. Other important causes of loss of hair are stress such
as worry, anxiety, and sudden shock; general debility caused by severe or long standing illnesses like typhoid, syphilis,,
chronic cold, influenza, and anaemia; an unclean condition of the scalp which weakens the hair roots by blocking the pores
with the collected dirt; and heredity.

Hair Loss Treatment with Onion:

Onion has also been found beneficial in patchy baldness. The affected part should be rubbed with onions morning and
evening till it is red. It should be rubbed with honey afterwards.

Hair Loss Treatment with Coconut Milk:
The application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots is also beneficial in the
treatment of loss of hair. It nourishes the hair and promotes hair growth. Coconut milk is prepared by grinding the
coconut shavings and squeezing them well.

Hair Loss Treatment using Liquorice:
The paste of liquorice, made by grinding the pieces in milk with a pinch of saffron, is another valuable remedy for patchy
baldness. This paste should be applied over the bald patches at night before going to bed.

Other Remedies for Hair Loss:
Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime water and lime juice, on the hair, prevents loss of hair and
lengthens it. Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home remedies for obesity

Obesity Symptoms

Watch out for increased waistline

Obesity Causes

Overeating and Other Causes

Obesity may develop from a combination of factors. One key cause is over-eating as the intake of calories (the energy value of food) exceeds the requirements of the body over a long period of time. This excess energy is stored in the body cells in the form of fat and sugar and gives the individual the outward appearance of being overweight

Other key factors include: Genetic or hereditary traits including social, behavioral, cultural, and physiological factors, metabolic (the body's process of using energy) factors; and some medications that may contribute to the development of Obesity.

Here is a list of causes that are relevant in our times and important factors one must be wary of to avoid obesity:
- Inactive or Sedentary lifestyle
- A high glycemic diet. Such as a diet that consists of meals that give high postprandial blood sugar
- Weight cycling, caused by repeated attempts to lose weight by dieting
- Underlying illness such as hypothyroidism
- Genetic disorders
- Eating disorders such as binge eating disorder
- Stressful mentality
- Insufficient sleep
- Certain medications such as atypical antipsychotics
- Smoking cessation
- Genetic factors

Home remedies for obesity

Obesity treatment using Lime Juice-Honey

Obesity treatment using Trifala

Obesity treatment using Jujube

Obesity treatment using Cabbage

Obesity treatment using Tomato

Obesity treatment using Finger Millet

Obesity Diet

Dietary Guidelines for Diabetes Management



Do not skip any meal

Small frequent well-spaced meals are desirable

Drink plenty of water

Other Obesity Treatment

Exercise and perspirational activities

Curb negative emotions and develop positive outlook

Acupressure and Obesity

Behavior Modification towards Eating

Home Remedies for APPETITE

Home Remedies for ARTHRITIS