Thursday, November 1, 2007

Meditation for prengnancy

Meditation brings with it an incredible awareness which works at a very subtle level.

Meditation will help you explore your inner self; establish that connection with your child that is impossible to explain.

It creates a phenomenal understanding of you and you alone. It puts you in tune with your baby.

For therapeutic purposes, meditation can help to resolve the deepest of neuroses, fears and conflicts which are a major cause for stress and ill-health.

Mantra Japa meditation is a very effective form of meditation where a certain sound is repeated a number of times to have a remarkably soothing and subtle impact on your consciousness. It has an extremely positive effect on your senses and on the developing fetus.

Mantra literally means “that which liberates the mind”. Ancient yogis discovered certain ways of developing and controlling the mind by using sounds, both aloud as well as mental.

Why Yoga For Pregnancy ?

regnancy is one of the most beautiful aspects of womanhood. Each pregnancy, each child born, is a special opportunity for a woman to discover within herself great strength and flexibility. She can discover her great power yet her ability to surrender; her great compassion yet a detachment. Most importantly, her greatest capacity to LOVE.

The experience of a Natural Birthingis a peak experience in your life. Yet, surprisingly, the experience of childbirth often leaves you physically shattered, emotionally bereft and mentally confused.

There are difficulties and disappointments, but, ultimately one needs to go past those varicose veins, edema, back pain, nausea, impatience, frustration, tiredness, abdominal discomfort, sleeplessness, depression… Gosh! Did I leave out anything??

All these as well as birthing traumas can be overcome if the mind and heart remain one-pointed on the true purpose of procreation, rather than the unfolding effects of it. Yoga and Meditation have the capacity to produce a higher quality of conception, a healthier maternal environment for pregnancy and a more harmonious birthing experience.

More importantly for the new-born, the yoga techniques assist in bringing into the world a child less inhibited by stress and potential illness. Yoga has well developed tools that make natural birthing more probable as compared to administered c-sections. Yoga aspects and techniques should help to make your pregnancy a more "Joyful" experience.

Yoga exercises are a great help in facilitating a gentle and uncomplicated delivery.

Yoga and Pregnancy

Yoga works great for pregnancy. That’s wonderful and TRUE. But do you know how?

Yoga has 5 vital tools for pregnancy. When followed together, they work wonders on your health and your capability to have a smooth pregnancy.

Smooth pregnancy and a natural childbirth are just some of the benefits of yoga. But more importantly, yoga does wonders on the physical and mental development of the foetus.

Ensuring a healthy baby is every woman’s dream and yoga helps you do just that.

So what are these 5 tools:
Yoga Exercises – These gently work on the reproductive organs and pelvis to ensure a smooth pregnancy and a relatively easy childbirth. At the subtle level, these ensure optimum supply of blood and nutrients to the developing foetus.

Breathing or Pranayama – These powerful techniques ensure the abundant supply of oxygen and a better life force for you and your child. These methods work on your fitness during pregnancy.

Mudras and Bandhas – The psycho-physical stimulation of these gestures and locks have powerful effects on a woman’s reproductive organs.

Meditation – As a therapeutic tool, meditation will help you resolve the deepest of neuroses, fears and conflicts, which are so common during pregnancy. Meditation brings with it an incredible awareness which helps you connect with your child in a way that is impossible to explain.

Deep Relaxation – Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep) is particularly effective during pregnancy for physical and mental relaxation as well as for childbirth preparation.