Monday, September 24, 2007

Tantra Yoga


A kind of primordial religious practice that originated in India which is considered to have esoteric roots, tantra yoga is a group of Asian beliefs based on the principle that this world human beings are living in is a concrete representation of divine powers. This ancient spiritual practice further states that the godhead is the one responsible in maintaining the universe that seeks to distribute the energies within the microcosm of man..
Individuals who observe tantra yoga are under the direction of a guru. There
are various tools being used in the process of this primordial religious practice. Bodily control is one which is vital in realizing the methods of connecting one's self with the ethereal. Other elements include deity visualization and mantra verbalization which can be both actuated by speaking the authority as if existing. Internalization then is very essential in performing this ancient spiritual routine.
Tantra yoga is founded on the huge collection of shrutis, canon of the sacred texts of the Hindu religion. This primordial religious practice exists in forms of Shaiva, Vaisnava and Shakta.

Shaiva is a branch of Hinduism that gives praises to a god named Bhagawan. This classification is a non- dual pious custom that deems the entirety of creation is a manifestation of something celestial present
Vaisnava is a branch of Hinduism that gives praises to a god named Vishnu. This classification is generally monotheistic while incorporating some aspects of panentheistic with the principles that are grounded on Puranic accounts

Shakta is a branch of Hinduism that gives praises to a god named Shakti. This classification conceives the great goddess Mahadevi as the epitome of primeval power and the foundation of cosmic evolution.
According to tantra yoga, being overly aware with the state of bliss has the ability of self- development. This primordial religious practice regards the progress of reality into a diversity of creatures at similar end but still remains to be in sheer consciousness. It further states that "illusion" hides "actuality" which separates into opposites such as favorable and unfavorable or pleasant and unpleasant, among the others.
The conditions then bound the person acting as if being hampered and made to conduct like a fauna specie. This ancient spiritual routine relays that the "outgoing current" is only half of the operational "illusion." The "returning current" then takes Jiva, immortal spirit of man, back to the roots of "actuality." This classification is established on a maxim that goes, "one must rise by that by which one falls."
Thank You :-

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