Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thyroid diseases & yoga

When the thyroid gland loses its balance and becomes overactive, the condition is known as thyrotoxicosis. The person becomes thin, tremulous, overactive, anxious, and experiences widespread symptoms ranging from bulging of the eyes to disruption of the menstrual cycle.

The yogis have always recommended sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and have claimed that if the posture is practised correctly each day, it will balance thyroid function. This means that the overacting thyroid will decrease its activity and become normal, and an under acting thyroid will increase its activity and become normal. Strange as this sounds, there is good evidence and experience to support it.

If yoga can balance the thyroid, it is very important because the usual medical treatment, though effective, leaves a lot to be desired. Thyrotoxicosis is usually treated in one of three ways: surgery, radiation (X-rays or swallowing radioactive iodine) or drugs (which have a toxic effect on the thyroid and thus suppress its action). It is not surprising that many people including the doctors are not happy with these alternatives.

Under acting thyroid is usually treated by hormone tablets. This would seem to be a logical procedure, but actually it has an important disadvantage. The hormone suppresses any remaining ability of the thyroid gland to produce hormone for itself, and ultimately destroys any hormone secreting cells which were still functioning. Obviously, once a person starts taking thyroid hormone he must do so for the rest of his life. The yogis claim that sarvangasana will reactivate the dormant cells in the thyroid and the gland will once again function for itself.

Dr. K.N. Udupa, director of the Institute of Medical Sciences at Benares Hindu University in India, taught yoga postures (including sarvangasana), breathing techniques and relaxation to thirty people with thyrotoxicosis. At the time of reporting, eight people had recovered completely and the rest were still improving and reducing their drugs.

He estimated that the latter, because of the progress they were making, would eventually become normal also. It is possible that they may need to continue with the practices (probably only sarvangasana) for many years. However, this natural therapy seems preferable to taking drugs for life.


1 comment:

Russell Moris said...

Desiccated thyroid health supplements will eliminate the side effects from the normal prescription drugs, as well as restore the thyroid hormone levels so your hypothyroidism symptoms get under control.You’ll find this natural supplement to be a wise choice compared to the conventional option and all its side effects.