Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Home Remedies for ALCOHOLISM

Alcoholism is a chronic disorder in which a person is unable to refrain from frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Signs of Alcoholism (alcoholism symptoms)

Bloodshot eyes, rapid pulse

Alcoholics have a puffy face with bloodshot eyes, hoarse voice and a rapid pulse. They are suspicious, irritable and over-emotional.

Vomiting, delirium

Vomiting, delirium, impaired judgment, and disturbed sleep are some of the other symptoms that alcoholics suffer from. Excessive drinking damages the liver and gradually leads to cirrhosis. It also leads to disorders of the stomach and bowels. It can cause damage to the brain cells, and also affects the heart, which becomes weak and flabby.

Causes of Alcoholism

Occasional drink

Alcoholism starts with the individual taking an occasional drink. This gradually becomes a habit and leads to a state where the person cannot do without alcohol. Some people drink alcohol to enliven social gatherings under social pressure; for others, it is an escape from the responsibilities or stresses of life.

Alcoholism Treatment

Alcoholism treatment using Grapes

The most important home remedy for alcoholism is an exclusive diet, for a month or so, of grapes. Since this fruit contains the purest form of alcohol, it is an ideal yet healthy substitute for alcohol. Alcoholics should take three meals a day of fresh grapes at five-hourly intervals. The success of this treatment depends on the determination of the alcoholic to stop drinking.

Alcoholism treatment using Apples

Apples are another effective remedy for alcoholism.A generous intake of apples helps remove intoxication and reduces the craving for wines and other intoxicating liquors.

Alcoholism treatment using Dates

Dates are considered beneficial in the treatment of alcoholism. The patient should drink half a glass of water in which four or five dates have been rubbed together. This remedy should be taken twice daily for a month. It will bring definite relief.

Alcoholism treatment using Bitter Gourd

The juice of the leaves of bitter gourd is an antidote for alcohol intoxication. It is also useful for a liver damaged due to alcoholism. Three teaspoons of this juice, mixed with a glass of butter milk, should be taken every morning for a month.

Alcoholism treatment using Celery

The juice of raw celery has also been found useful in alcoholism. It exercises a sobering effect on the patient and is an antidote to alcohol. Half a glass of celery juice mixed with an equal quantity of water should be taken once daily for a month.

Diet for alcoholism recovery

Build up body's nutritional integrity, juice fast

The most effective way to treat alcoholism is to build up the body's nutritional integrity so as to prevent craving for stimulants like drinks. The patient should be put on a cleansing juice fast for at least ten days in the beginning. During the juice fast, the patient will gradually feel less craving for alcohol. This is a good beginning towards breaking the drinking habit.The patient should eat several small meals a day in preference to two or three large ones. Plenty of rest and outdoor physical exercises are also necessary.

Optimum diet and fresh fruit juice

After the initial fast of juices, the patient should take an optimum diet of vital nutrients consisting of wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds and sprouts, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It is advisable that at the beginning of the treatment, the patient is given a suitable substitute to relieve the craving if and when it occurs. The best substitute drink for alcohol is a glass of fresh fruit juice. The patient should drink juices and eat candy or other snacks if he feels a craving for a stimulant.

Avoid refined foods

All refined foods such as sugar, white rice, macaroni products, strong condiments, white flour, and meat should be avoided.

Other Suggestions and herbal treatments for alcoholism

Firm willingness of alcoholic to stop drinking

The most important step towards breaking the 'alcohol habit' is the willingness of an alcoholic to do so. He must make a firm resolve to make a clean break at once, as giving up in stages is next to impossible.

Warm-water enema and physical exercises

During the first ten days of the 'juice fast', a warm-water enema should be taken everyday to cleanse the bowels. Plenty of rest and outdoor physical exercises are also necessary.

Avoid smoking

Smoking must be avoided as it increases the desire for alcohol.


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valrossie said...

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for membership.We are self-supporting through our own contributions.

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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

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