Friday, August 31, 2007

Eight Limbs of Yoga.....

Yoga has eight clearly defined components which can be thought of aseight limbs of a tree. These limbs are essential components to thedevelopment of your yoga practice.

They are:

* Yama, ethical disciplines - our attitudes toward our environment.

* Niyama, self observation - our attitudes toward ourselves.

* Asana, posture - the practice of body exercises.

* Pranayama, breath control - the practice of breathing exercises.

Pratyahara, sense withdrawal - the restraint of our senses.

* Dhyana, meditation - the ability to develop interactions with whatwe seek to understand.

* Dharana, concentration - the ability to direct our minds.

* Samadhi, a state of joy and peace - complete integration with theobject to be understood.

# There are many different schools of yoga practicing differentcomponents of yoga; they all have a common union which we call yoga.

You must begin yoga where you are every day, for your point of departurewill always be different:

* Set your starting point based on your condition at the presentmoment.

* Make your yoga practice sensible and well structured.

* Construct a gradual and intelligent course for your practice.Remember, there is no competition; there is only where you are, whereyou are going, and where you will be!

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