Friday, August 31, 2007


Yoga is the ability to restrain the modifications of the mind-stuff.Yoga Sutra 1.2

So, yoga is a state in which we are highly aware of our personal affairsand those of the world without being disturbed.

Yoga is a philosophy, a science and an art, which unites the body, mind,and spirit for health and harmony in everyday life. It does not belongto any religion, but it exemplifies some ideas which are common to allreligions. Yoga is a spiritual practice, with no preference forreligion. As you continue to practice this state called yoga, you willonly deepen your understanding of what you truly believe. The onlyrequirements are to act and be attentive to your actions. You will findthat yoga not only provides physical benefits, but it can calm yourmind, increase your concentration, and give you the ability to cope withstress. It promotes physical and spiritual well-being through a systemof personal development.

Yoga has been practiced in India from as early as 6,000 BC. There is agreat amount of information written about yoga. A brief list of some ofthe writings follows.

* The Vedas which are the books of spiritual knowledge.
* The Upanisads and commentaries which are the philosophicalspeculations.
* The Puranas which tell of the ancient cosmologies.
* The Ramayana and Mahabharata which are two epics.
* The Bhagavad Gita which is contained in the Mahabharata.
* The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which are a set of instructions onhow to achieve the state of Yoga.

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